
Violet Flame Meditation

Experience Violet Flame Meditation

Getting into Violet Flame Meditation

Violet flame is an invisible spiritual energy with the power to totally transform your life. If haven’t heard much about the violet flame before, read the violet flame page first.

Visualization is key. However, it’s only through speaking that the atoms start to vibrate, move and change, under the direction of what you see in your mind’s eye.

Basically, you have to SAY it and SEE it.

Fifteen minutes a day of violet flame decrees and mantras is ideal, but any amount will give some benefit. Once you’ve memorized one or two mantras, you’ll be able to use them anywhere – while driving, walking, at work, or doing the dishes!

If you can spend some focused time, here’s how to get the best results:

  1. Sit with your back straight, legs and arms uncrossed. This allows the energy to follow along your spine and through the chakras – the spiritual energy centers in your body.
  2. Center your attention in the area of your heart and do your best to make contact with the presence of God within you. Visualize your heart glowing and emitting light rays like a sun.
  3. Recite the opening invocation.
  4. Repeat aloud your choice of mantras or decrees for at least 15 minutes (if possible) while keeping your attention on your heart.
  5. While reciting, visualize the violet flame surrounding you, and those whom you love, your home, city, country, the planet – according to your needs. If you’d like a deep and intense internal cleansing or healing, visualize the flame penetrating your whole body. Let it flow into your arteries and your veins, restoring them to perfect health.
  6. End your session by reciting the closing invocation.

Mantras and Decrees

Note: ‘I AM’ means ‘God in me is…’

Opening Invocation

Shorter version

In the name of God, in the name of the Christ who is in me, in the name of the Holy Spirit, I invoke the violet flame and I ask the angels of the violet flame to… [make your requests for yourself, your family, your friends, your city, your country, the planet, as you wish]

Longer version

In the name of the Christ Self and in the name of the living God, I call forth the energies of the sacred fire from the altar within my heart. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I invoke the violet flame to blaze forth from the center of the threefold flame, from the white-fire core of my own I AM Presence, multiplied by the momentum of the blessed Ascended Master Saint Germain. I call forth that light to penetrate my soul and to activate my soul memory of freedom and the original blueprint of my soul’s destiny. I call forth the violet transmuting flame to pass through my etheric, mental, emotional and physical body and through my soul consciousness to transmute the cause and core of all that is less than my Christ-perfection, all that is not in keeping with the will of God for my lifestream.

I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

(Name of your choice) is a being of violet fire, (name) is the purity God desires!

My family is a family of violet fire, my family is the purity God desires!

My house is a house of violet fire, my house is the purity God desires!

(Name of city/town) is a city of violet fire, (city/town) is the purity God desires!

Earth is a planet of violet fire, Earth is the purity God desires!

(Repeat each 3x, 9x or more) I AM the Violet Flame in action in me now! I AM the Violet Flame to light alone I bow I AM the Violet Flame in mighty cosmic power I AM the Light of God shining every hour I AM the Violet Flame blazing like a Sun I AM God’s sacred Power freeing everyone! (3x or more) I AM Forgiveness acting here Casting out all doubt and fear Setting men forever free With wings of cosmic Victory

I AM calling in full power For Forgiveness every hour To all life in every place I flood forth forgiving Grace. (3x or more) Closing Invocation

In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that the light from these mantras and decrees be sealed in the physical plane and multiplied as cosmic law will allow, and I accept it done here and now according to the will of God. Amen.

The Spiritual Transformation Network offers a wonderful guided violet flame meditation on their website which you might like to look at as another resource.

Copyright of the decrees and mantras on this page is owned by The Summit Lighthouse. Now that you have the tools for your violet flame meditation, would you like to learn other spiritual practices?

Dance from Violet Flame Meditation to Violet Flame

A MEDITATION for Spiritual Transformation

Step 1: World and personal focus

  • Use our world focus for this week:
    I call for the transmutation of the suffering of those affected by the U.S. war with Iraq. Put in place the perfect new government structures to guarantee civil and national liberty, and dispense justice to all. Bring all soldiers home safely and protect them as they defend the righteous. Let all who are of the light in the Middle East be sealed from danger, discord and distress. I call for the dissolving of the cause and core of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, drought, violent storms, fires, volcanic eruptions, famine and disease worldwide. Rescue and heal those who have been adversely affected by natural disasters! Protect and help those affected by war or terrorism, and consume all destructive viruses. Transmute all negative influences of El Nino, global warming, solar flares and ecological imbalance, including harmful weather patterns! I call for the establishment of a sustained peace and the ending of all hostilities in Russia, Nigeria, Sudan and all of Africa, Asia and South America; and the stopping of terrorism and war involving North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, Spain, the United States and Iraq. Help those affected by suicide bombings and terrorist attacks worldwide. Prevent aggression, invasion or commerce blockade of Taiwan by China. Take command of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and all terrorists!

    I call for the immediate transmutation of nuclear, biological, chemical and computer terrorism, warfare or malintent. Stop all airplane, military aircraft and school bus accidents worldwide; protect our children and youth!

    Stabilize and protect the world economic balance.
  • Optional: Choose a personal issue you would also like to focus on.
  • Optional: Obtain visual aids such as photographs, magazine clippings or a map related to the focus of your meditation. These will help you in Step 9 to visualize sending the violet flame into these situations.

Step 2: Establish a sense of oneness with life

  • Begin your Meditation for Spiritual Transformation by sounding the AUM (also pronounced OM) to help you feel a sense of oneness with life. Give slowly as a chant:

    Chant the AUM. (In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

Step 3: Center in your heart

  • Go within and consciously draw all your attention and energy to the point of your heart. You may want to close your eyes and place your hand over your heart to help you do this.

Step 4: Visualize yourself sealed in a sphere of white fire

  1. Visualize a blazing white flame in the center of your heart.
  2. As you breathe deeply, see this flame filling your entire chest and turning into a brilliant sun.
  3. See that sun growing larger and larger until it becomes a sphere of radiant white fire surrounding you, extending above your head, spreading out to arm’s length around you and flowing beneath your feet.

Step 5: Give the following prayer for protection aloud

Saint Germain and angels of protection, please surround me with a sphere of radiant white fire as I give this meditation. Let the light I invoke be used for the blessing, healing and protection of all life upon earth.

Step 6: Intensify the light within you

  • Repeat the following affirmation aloud several times as you visualize the sphere of white fire intensifying and pulsating around you.
    O mighty presence of God, I AM in and behind the sun: I welcome thy light, which floods all the earth, Into my life, into my mind, into my spirit, into my soul. Radiate and blaze forth thy light! Break the bonds of darkness and superstition! Charge me with the great clearness of thy white-fire radiance! I AM thy child, and each day I shall become more of thy manifestation!Recite this prayer. (In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

Step 7: Visualize the violet flame

  1. You are now going to change the color of the white-fire sun around you to violet.
  2. Visualize a tiny violet flame in the center of your heart. See rays of violet fire slowly spreading outward from this flame until they completely transform the white light into a dazzling sun of violet fire.
  3. Repeat the following affirmation several times. Speak it out loud, rhythmically and energetically.

Violet fire, thou Love divine, Blaze within this heart of mine! Thou art mercy forever true, Keep me always In tune with you.Recite this prayer.(In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

Step 8: Send the violet flame to others for forgiveness

  • Now send this violet flame as a gift of forgiveness to your family and friends. Imagine it covering the world with comfort and joy as you give the following affirmations aloud several times.

I AM forgiveness acting here, Casting out all doubt and fear, Setting men forever free With wings of cosmic victory.I AM calling in full power For forgiveness every hour; To all life in every place I flood forth forgiving grace. Recite this prayer.(In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

I AM the violet flame in action in me now I AM the violet flame to light alone I bow I AM the violet flame in mighty cosmic power I AM the light of God shining every hour I AM the violet flame blazing like a sun I AM God’s sacred power freeing everyone! Recite this prayer. (In RealAudio format) Need the RealPlayer? Click here

Step 9: Direct the violet flame into specific conditions

  • Give the following prayer(s) aloud as you visualize the situations or places involved, using a photograph or map if you like. Hold your hands up in front of you, palms facing outward or facing the photograph or map. Now see violet flame radiating from your heart through your palms into the situations to transform them.

    Prayer for world focus:
    Dear God, I pray for angels of the violet flame to transmute the suffering of those affected by the U.S. war with Iraq. Put in place the perfect new government structures to guarantee civil and national liberty, and dispense justice to all. Bring all soldiers home safely and protect them as they defend the righteous. Let all who are of the light in the Middle East be sealed from danger, discord and distress. I call for the dissolving of the cause and core of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, drought, violent storms, fires, volcanic eruptions, famine and disease worldwide. Rescue and heal those who have been adversely affected by natural disasters! Protect and help those affected by war or terrorism, and consume all destructive viruses. Dissolve all negative influences of El Nino, solar flares and global warming. I call for the establishment of a sustained peace and the ending of all hostilities in Russia, Nigeria, Sudan and all of Africa, Asia and South America; and the stopping of terrorism and war involving North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine, India and Pakistan, China and Taiwan, Spain,