
The Benefits of Massage

Massage has many benefits, not only to the skin, muscles and joints of the body, but also on a psychological level.

The many systems within the body respond to therapeutic massage.  For instance, the circulatory system and the lymphatic system are both stimulated during a massage.  This helps to improve blood flow through the body and also increased the elimination of built up toxins and waste materials.

The feeling of well being and relaxation you experience after a massage is due partly to the nervous system’s many nerve endings being soothed and stimulated.  the actual physical touch involved also has a soothing and comforting effect on the mind and body.  Increasing the circulation of the blood promotes regeneration and repair of the skin, and also improves muscle tone and the general appearance of the skin.

Muscles respond rapidly to massage, and so it is excellent in sporting situations.  Massage helps to stretch the muscles and so reduces aches and spasms; it also helps to speed the healing of stains and sprains.


Tension “knots” are smoothed away, leaving a lighter feeling around the shoulders, upper back and neck areas – an area particularly prone to aches and stiffness for many people.  All types of work situations can bring stress to this area and cause spasms, which can lead to headaches and a feeling of tightness or pressure around the head.

Abdominal massage improves digestion and is beneficial for many digestive disorders, such as constipation and flatulence.

All in all, regular massage promotes a wonderful feeling of well being and lightness.  The body and mind respond rapidly to this healing touch and many ailments are relieved or even disappear.