
Qi Gong


(How to heal and maintain the body mind and soul)

Qi Gong is many techniques put together simply put. Using multiple healing modalities to produce healing, energy blockages are taken away to keep the flow of energy continual. With using different techniques of healing modalities, the body responds automatically to this energy movement. Your body and mind and soul work together to put forward a recipe for your overall health and well-being.

“My name is Helen Greenwood. I have been studying various techniques and mental health tools from different cultural and religious beliefs systems that can guide and help you in your everyday life. Practicing for over 20 years. I have given many treatments with many successes. I have helped people with numerous conditions, from physical to mental conditions to conditions of the heart.”

To get more information or to book an appointment please contact me on 0421 911 150 or email on [email protected]