Medical Condition Fact Sheets
Below is a list of medical conditions fact sheets. Each sheet contains information on the condition and a wide range of treatments or therapies choices used in both mainstream and other modalities.
Our intent is not to diagnosis but to offer information on therapy choices and practitioners.
All information provided by ‘The Vasi Centre” has been researched and referenced for your convenience.
If you can’t find what you are looking for please contact us and we will do our best to locate the information you seek
Who are they? What do they do? Where do I find the right one for me?
While most medical professionals have a title, many of us don’t actually know what they do. Even your local doctor while practising as a general practitioner may have an interest in a specific field.
I know my local GP has a keen interest in alternative treatments and therapies, so if I want to try something new I check with him, just to make sure that it will work with my existing medicine and not against it.
Below is a list of titles you may have heard, but are unsure what it is that they actually do. Click on the links to find out more
If your interested in finding practitioners in your area whose focus is on you follow the link to our PRACTITIONER DIRECTORY