
A few Pearls of Wisdom…… (the dreaded exercise)

Did you know?????

Anaerobic exercise (weight lifting) burns between five and seven times more kilojoules than the same amount of aerobic exercise (running)

Aerobic exercise burns 25 per cent muscle and 75 per cent fat, while anaerobic exercise burns 100 per cent fat.

Water with pear or apple juice and a dash of sea salt replaces fluids and minerals lost during exercise

Running shoes put more stress on your knees than high heels

Exercise boosts brainpower by building new brain cells in the region of the brain called the dentate gyrus, a part of the brain affected in age-related memory decline.

Carnosine protects skeletal muscles and the heart during exercise


Taking the amino acid leucine when undertaking intensive training results in increased muscle mass and strength.

Exercise has an anti-ageing effect on your hormone levels, boosting hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone.