- Increases energy levels: This is due to the presence of caffeine which, when ingested, travels through the blood stream to the brain where it blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. Other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine are then produced, which leads to an enhanced firing if neutrons, and therefore resulting in:Improvement in memory, reaction times, general cognitive function, and awareness
- Aids with weight loss: Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells in the body and break down fat. It has been proven to speed up metabolic rates by 3 – 11%
- Prevents type 2 diabetes: Coffee contains magnesium and potassium which helps the body use insulin to regulate blood sugar (glucose)
- Contains large amounts of antioxidants: These antioxidants neutralize free radicals which can cause oxidative stress, leading to chronic disease. Antioxidants also help with inflammation and protect cells from damage
- Decreases the risk of heart attacks and stroke: Coffee does this by decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol, and lowering heart rhythm disturbances. Approximately 20% of people who drink 2 cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of stroke as well.
- Improves physical performance: Caffeine increases the amount of Epinephrine in the blood (adrenaline) which causes the body to be more prepared for physical exertion and stress. The fat that is broken down by caffeine gets released into the blood as fatty acids, and are used as extra fuel as a result
- Lowers the risk of Parkinson’s disease
- Lowers the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s: Coffee has been proven to prevent the build-up of beta-amyloid plaque which may contribute to the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s
- Decreases the risk of liver cancer, primary sclerosing cholangitis (an autoimmune disease that affects the bile ducts in the liver), and liver cirrhosis (a disease caused by excessive consumption of alcohol): Damaged and inflamed livers usually have elevated levels of liver enzymes, and caffeine has a reducing effect on the levels of liver enzymes present
- Prevents kidney stones: This is due to the lowering affect caffeine has on uric acid
- Lowers the risk of melanoma: This is thought to be because the chlorogenic acid in coffee can suppress an enzyme called COX-2 which occurs due to exposure to UV rays
- Decreases the risk of colorectal cancer: Caffeine contains polyphenols which have been proven to have anti-carcinogenic properties
- Improves mood and decreases risk of depression: This is due to caffeine’s ability to increase the production levels of dopamine which is a mood-regulating chemical. It is also full of antioxidants which help with overall health and mood
- It has been proven to be effective in relieving pain
- Lowers the risk of Multiple Sclerosis: This may be due to caffeine’s neuroprotective properties which can stop the production of the inflammatory proteins which cause the disease to develop
- Aids with eye health: This is due to the presence of chlorogenic acid in coffee beans
- Protects against periodontal disease (gum disease): This may be due to the anti-inflammatory effects of coffee which may halt the body’s own inflammatory processes
- Decreases the effects of gout: Coffee reduces insulin, which in turn, reduces the levels of uric acid
- Improves circulation
- In excess can cause anxiety, especially in people who are more susceptible
- Can cause insomnia
- Pregnant women shouldn’t drink more than 1 cup per day
- Coffee is not suitable for children
- May cause acid reflux in some people
- It can raise blood pressure in people with hypertension short term (a few hours)
- Unfiltered coffee can cause higher cholesterol
- http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/coffee-new-health-food#1
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/coffee-health-benefits_n_4102133
- https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/beverage/health-benefits-of-coffee.html
- http://www.lifehack.org/295662/20-wonderful-health-benefits-coffee
- http://www.warriorcoffee.com/news/2/12-health-benefits-and-6-disadvantages-of-coffee-smashing-it
- http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/270202.php
- https://authoritynutrition.com/top-13-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coffee/
- http://www.menshealth.com/health/health-benefits-coffee/slide/10
- http://www.caffeineinformer.com/7-good-reasons-to-drink-coffee
- https://www.rush.edu/health-wellness/discover-health/health-benefits-coffee
- http://www.onemedical.com/blog/newsworthy/10-healthy-reasons-to-drink-coffee-2/
- http://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/06/30/15-research-backed-health-benefits-of-coffee/