
Native American Healing Traditions

… everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.

Mourning Dove, Salish, 1888-1936

The healing traditions of Native Americans go back for thousands of years, as the many indigenous tribes of North America learned that by mixing herbs, roots, and other natural plants, that they could heal various medical problems. But, remedies were not the only part of the Native American healing process.

Many modern medicines are based on the plants and herbs that were used by Indians for thousands of years. In fact, more than 200 botanicals, derived originally from Native Americans, have been or are still in use in pharmaceuticals.

The major difference between Native American healing and conventional medicine, both in the past and present, is the role of spirituality in the healing process. Native Americans believe that all things in nature are connected and that spirits can promote health or cause illness. Therefore, it is necessary to heal not only the physical parts of an individual, but also their emotional wellness, and their harmony with their community and the environment around them. In addition to herbal remedies, the community often came together to help an ill person in ceremonies, dances, praying, and chanting.

Today, modern medicine focuses only on science and the mechanistic view of the body, while many Native Americans continue to include the spirit as an inseparable element of healing.

Referred to as healers, Medicine Men, or Medicine Women by their tribes, they have also been called “Shamans” by people of European descent, though this term was not used by the Native Americans. These many healers’ primary role was to secure the help of the spirit world, especially the “Creator” or “Great Spirit,” for the benefit of the community or an individual

Today, the tide of medical theory has begun to swing back towards an approach that recognizes and respects every aspect of the individual, including his or her mental and spiritual states. As a result, Native American medical practices are once again becoming popular with natives and non-natives alike.

Many are concerned about the toxicity, addictive properties, and side effects of pharmaceutical products and are turning to natural herbal remedies. Quality Native American products have often been developed and used over many centuries to deal with various illnesses. While not universally true, herbal remedies tend to be far less toxic and have far fewer disagreeable side effects than many prescription drugs. When choosing herbal remedies, look for carefully controlled and formulated products that use the highest quality organic ingredients and strict pharmaceutical levels of manufacturing.

Like any other medication, herbal products should be used appropriately. Follow directions and use in the proper form and at the proper dosage level.